Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Grooveshark – Your music, on demand

It hasn’t been fully announced yet, but I am a pretty big music fan. I observe all genres of music that doesn’t scream or yell at you and I also like to play music as a hobby. I really enjoy live concerts, and I also like to travel so a good playlist is a must! But no matter how many MP3’s, CD’s, tapes, or 8 tracks a person has, you can never take it all with you. For the longest time I was looking for a way to access any song I wanted at any time. And for at least the time being, I have found what I am looking for!

Groove Flash
Grooveshark is the only streaming music service that I know of where you can practically listen to any song that you want to at at any time (with a co-existing Internet connection of course). Its not a pick a favorite artist and listen to a radio station of that artist and many other similar artists. It’s not a pick your favorite songs and listen to a 30 second sampling of them. It is a true make your own playlist, listen to any song, the whole song, and repeat your songs as much as you want music service. I have spent a lot of time searching for songs and adding them to playlists on Grooveshark so that I can listen to a large collection of my favorite songs on a daily basis by using this service.

From what I have gathered from some quick Google research, the free music database has been compiled by a large user base. Each user has the ability to upload their licensed music to the service and share that music with the entire Grooveshark community. That has made for quite a selection of songs. I am rarely disappointed when searching for a song because I would say Grooveshark has had my songs greater than 95% of the time. Even the recently released music.

Groove Interface
Not only can you listen to music on demand and create your own playlists, but you can also share those playlists with your friends! I have friends ask me all the time about what new music I have been listening to and I have always enjoyed sharing my new song craves. If you have other friends that are on Grooveshark, you can follow them and listen to their playlists as well. To experience these features however, you will have to sign up for a free account. I also love their simple to use interface shown above. It has a good blend of album art and song information that you will have to check out.

To learn more about Grooveshark, visit the “About” section of their site at http://grooveshark.com/about.

To try out Grooveshark for yourself, visit http://listen.grooveshark.com/