Wednesday, August 11, 2010

IPhone 4 – iOS 4

It has been quite a summer of news and breakthroughs for Apple’s IPhone, and I have been one of the many people that have gone along with the ride. I made the IPhone jump 2 summers ago so I was really interested in Apple’s IPhone refresh because it was time for an upgrade. I waited for the first wave of reviews to come in after the release and after the “Free Bumper for Everyone” announcement I made my purchase and I am very happy with it. You can find a review of the IPhone 4 on every tech site, so I wont dive into a review here but I really enjoy the speed of the new IPhone and the multitasking functionality. It makes a tremendous difference.

I would like to touch on one of the major reasons I decided to upgrade even though I had a fully functioning IPhone 3G. I heard many of the rumors about how iOS 4.01 really wrecks the usability of the 3G with app crashes and extreme application lag. I tested 4.01 out on my 3G, and it was clear to me after the update that I was holding an outdated piece of technology. So I went ahead with my IPhone 4 purchase and chose to sell my 3G.

Even though I have updated to the new IPhone, I still have many friends that have the IPhone 3G and were asking me for tips on how to fix the speed issues after the iOS 4.01 update and I came across a couple of solutions. One solution is a quick and partial fix, and the other is a downgrade back to iOS 3.1.3.

The first thing I tell my friends to try is to turn off the “Spotlight” search on their phones. This is the quick search feature you get when you scroll to the left from the home screen. Most people I know rarely use this feature, but it can really zap your resources when it is running on the 3G. If you turn this feature off on a 3G running the iOS4, then you can regain some of the speed your phone once had. To do this navigate to Settings > General > Spotlight Search and then “uncheck” all of the options so that the phone will no longer search these items.

Another approach is just to completely remove iOS 4.01 and downgrade to the previous 3.1.3 version. I watched a tutorial video on how to do this on CNET’s website and it looks like a pretty easy process. I myself have not tried this fix, and I do not know of anyone who has, but I have always had good luck with information I gather from CNET’s website. To check out the video for the fix, click the following link:

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